I'm Johannes Wachter
Sulu Core Developer and Open-Source Enthusiast
- Age 35
- E-mail johannes@sulu.io
- Sulu Developer since August, 2013
Hello! I'm Johannes Wachter. Core Developer of sulu since the very beginning of the project. Specialised in the backend of the system, but we are a very small team and we all do the stuff which is needed. I have experiences with different languages like C, C++, Java, C#, PHP and Javascript. In my free time I am working on different open-source projects.
Professional Skills
Work Experience
Liebherr Elektronik GmbH
Test Software Developer
In this time i have extended my project which i have started for my theses in the HTL Rankweil.
MASSIVE ART WebServices GmbH
Sulu Core Developer
Half-time employment beside the study. The main tasks were the conception and development of sulu.
MASSIVE ART WebServices GmbH
Sulu Core Developer
Development, support and conception of sulu and third party bundles. Additionally internal and external consulting about sulu and other topics.
Sulu GmbH
Sulu Core Developer
Development, support and conception of sulu and third party bundles. Additionally internal and external consulting about sulu and other topics.
Vorarlberg University of Applied Science
External Lecturer
Holding of various seminars, courses and project coaching. Among others "Script and Web Technologies" and "Innovation Project".